Pistol Red Dot Optic Buyers Guide

Considering your first pistol optic? Here are a few things you should know to help you make the best decision and find the optic which best fits your needs.
Daniel Defense H9 Handgun Review

Get more control for faster, flatter shooting with the Daniel H9. With
the thinnest profile and lowest bore axis in its class, the Daniel H9
is designed and engineered to make you a better shooter.
Train at the Next Level: A Mantis X10 Elite Review

The Mantis X10 Elite is the most recent culmination in a line of products aimed at revolutionizing your ability to train with firearms. You can attach it to pistols, rifles, shotguns, and even compound bows.
What Questions to Ask When Buying a Gun?

Choosing a gun is a fairly personal decision which should first and foremost be informed by your own experiences and preferences. However, if you have never purchased or owned a gun before, you may not know where to start or the right questions you need to ask to get started. Do not worry though. This guide will walk you through all the important considerations and common questions.
Staying Safe: Training Tips For Elderly Firearm Enthusiasts Interested In Concealed Carry

As we age, many of us become more concerned about our safety and the safety of our loved ones. For some, carrying a concealed weapon may be a viable option for self-defense. However, it’s important for elderly firearm enthusiasts to take extra precautions and receive the proper training before carrying a concealed weapon. In this article, we’ll discuss some tips for elderly individuals who want to carry a concealed weapon, as well as the importance of training classes such as those offered by Texas Gun Experience.
Top Infantry Weapons of World War II

The early twentieth century was a period of innovation, and weapons creation was no exception. So, to keep things from getting too out of hand, we’re going to focus primarily on infantry weapons, specifically the exploration of rifles, pistols, submachine guns, and machine guns in WWII.
What is the Best First Gun?
What is the Best First Gun? Choosing a first firearm can be a daunting proposition, especially for those without a lot of firearms experience in general. Let’s take a look […]